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About Aylesham Baptist Free Church

Aylesham Baptist Free Church belongs to the Baptist Union of Great Britain and we therefore subscribe to their Declaration of Principle which you can find here.

As a church we value these four key things :

Intimacy with God – We believe that God’s desire is to be in relationship with all he has created. We seek to provide space for all people to meet God, that they may experience his grace, love and peace.

Learning, questioning, expanding our vision – We recognise that the world is not black and white but grey. We seek to be a space where people can question, think and explore. We believe that the bible points us to the Living word, Jesus and that the bible is a complex book that should be read through the lens of Jesus.

Community – We believe that community is the heart of God and should be based on love and forgiveness.  We seek to value, love and support each other, acknowledging we sometimes miss the mark but these can be times of learning and growth.

Hospitality and generosity – We seek to be generous with our time, money and resources.

Inclusive – We are committed to the love and inclusion of all people, affirming diversity in sexuality, gender identity, ethnicity, age, physical ability, learning differences and neurodiversity. We particularly want the LGBTQ+ community to know that you will find a safe space here in which we will welcome your participation in all areas of our life together. If walking into our church building is too big a first step and you would rather speak to someone we’d love to chat so do get in touch.

Meet the team


Safeguarding: The protection of adults and children from harm, abuse or neglect.

If you have a safeguarding concern, please contact Abi Mulford immediately, or Laura Moncaster if you can not reach her:

Abi Mulford –Designated Person for Safeguarding


Laura Moncaster – Safeguarding Trustee


Where to find us